The Art of Using Your Whiteboard

Maybe nothing that’s sketched on a whiteboard will ever find its way into an art museum, but approaching whiteboard presentations with an artist’s eye is a winning strategy when it comes to effective communication.

Here’s how:

Respect the medium. Memorable artworks seem ideally suited to the medium in which the artist chose to create them. Rodin’s The Thinker, say, wouldn’t be nearly as powerful done as a drawing, and Gaugin’s islanders wouldn’t have the same sensual appeal rendered in bronze. What does that have to do with whiteboards?

What Should I wear for a Videoconference

To be sure your appearance works for you during a videoconference, it helps to realize one fundamental fact: most of the people you communicate with will see you on a two-dimensional screen. And that means it’s worthwhile to take into account the nuances – and techniques for success – required to look your best in a 2-D universe.

The Law Firm Workplace

Collaboration is at the core of a law firm’s success.

Partners share firm governance, where timely collective decision making is critical. Attorneys create ad hoc teams to drive case strategies, leverage expertise, and balance workloads.